
Until Dawn

I’ve spent time lately watching people play games from Supermassive Games. Their games focus heavily on a detailed narrative and they’re responsible for titles such as The Quarry, and their Dark Pictures anthology which includes Man of Medan, Little Hope, House of Ashes, and The Devil in Me.

Surprisingly, watching is still a ton of fun, even without a controller in my hand but there was one title of theirs I was leaving to the end, Until Dawn which many consider to be their best effort.

So rather than watch someone else play this time, I decided to give it a spin myself and bring you along for the ride. I hope you have fun watching these because I had a lot of fun making them.

Chapter 1: Memento Mori

Chapter 2: Jealousy

Chapter 3: Isolation

Chapter 4: Loyalty

Chapter 5: Dread

Chapter 6: Vengeance

Chapter 7: Violence

Chapter 8: Revelation

Chapter 9: Despair

Chapter 10: Repentance